Deana’s Beauty Rhythms

My friendship with Deana is one of those unique ones brought about through technology. Living miles apart, in different states, couldn’t keep us from connecting. Although we’ve only ever known each other through Instagram messages, Zoom calls and text threads she has become one of the friends who’s opinion I value most.

Her desire to be fully present in God’s calling for each season of her life is to be admired. When Deana shares about her days at home and with her family you would believe Jesus was walking through each moment with her face to face. The way she keeps company with Jesus throughout the mundane moments of motherhood is lovely. I hope you enjoy her views on beauty as much as I did!

What is beauty to you?

Beauty to me, is vibrancy. It’s undeniable joy that’s heard in your voice and seen from your face and body expressions. I find someone (even myself) truly beautiful when I notice those attributes easily pouring out. And physically, beauty to me now is SO different than what it used to be. Before it was flat bellies, the smaller the number on the scale the better. It was unhealthy. I’ve evolved so much and learned to appreciate the curves God truly made us women have. The flat and skinny culture is no longer it. Embracing the shape God gave ME is beauty to me.

When did you start embracing this kind of beautiful and why?

I believe it was specifically after I had my third baby. It was 2020/2021 when I really started embracing all of this. I started realizing after a harder season in life, misery is ugly and does me no good. I started feeling and looking different once I started embracing the season of life I was in as a wife and mom of 3. I noticed I had curves more than I ever had. Even more so, my husband noticed… and liked it. A lot. I felt confident for the first time in a long time in my own skin and who God made me to be. I believe I was vibrant! Because of my perspective shift on life and embracing my third time postpartum body, a shift in my heart and body took place. And I can truly say I have never felt more beautiful then.

What makes you feel the most beautiful?

This might be a silly answer but, an outfit that compliments my current body type (figuring out my body 4th time postpartum now) can make me feel really beautiful. And with that, when my husband notices. Even if I’m in my everyday wear! Something about the hubby finding me pretty especially in my normal everyday outfits can really make me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world.

Beauty Products you can’t get enough of?

Confession time, I have neverrrrr been a beauty products type of gal. I know nothing about make up or skin care. I wash my face with water and a warm wash cloth while I take a bath every single night. But, I did just purchase my first clean make up item (besides mascara) thanks to a friend and I’ve gotten so many compliments! It’s the merit bronzer stick and I’ve always been a fan of mascara. I use the honest company brand and really love it!

Beauty philosophy?

Enjoy life. Let it shine out of you! Put on a little pretty dress or a comfy cute outfit even if you’re chasing after little ones around your house. Brush your hair. Hug your babies. Thank God for the life He has given you. That is when you find and feel true beauty.